Spring Equinox: Embrace the Change

The Equinox is here.
Let the Earth awaken and
share her mystery freely.
Rejoice and walk alongside her
as she leads you toward
your own heart's resurrection.

- Sarah Greenman

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Hello, you beautiful soul.

This is such an astonishing moment in history, isn’t it? A friend of mine calls it “The Great Pause”. I like that. But I also want to acknowledge that for many folks, this is a moment of nervousness, illness, fear, loss of income and prospects, as well as a moment of deep concern and reflection.

There is a beautiful poem circulating on social media right called “And The People Stayed Home” attributed to Kitty O’Meara. This last line of the poem really spoke to me:

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

New choices - healing, creative, and nourishing choices - are always available to us. Perhaps it takes a Pandemic like COVID-19 to force our collective hand, but mass action in the form of collective rest, collective quiet, and collective listening might very well save us. Or at least slow climate destruction, inspire a new kind of connection, and allow for healing to occur. We need healing as much as Earth does. Earth knows how to heal herself, and I posit that we do too. Let this Great Pause be an opportunity to step into the center of that knowing and transform ourselves. We need you and your awakened heart more than ever right now.

Stay home.
Make music.
Make art.
Make love.
Plant your garden.
Nourish your body.
Trust your purpose.
Be the change.