Trying a "Capsule Wardrobe"

While I was at the Texas Style Council Retreat in Austin last month, I met minimalist fashion blogger and fellow journaler, Caroline Rector. Caroline is the brains behind Un-Fancy, a blog which grew out of a desire and need to simplify her life. Every three months, she creates a capsule wardrobe consisting of 37 pieces. She wears only these 37 pieces of clothing for the entire season. Want to learn more about what, exactly, a capsule wardrobe entails? Read HERE.

Caroline's fashion philosophy really speaks to a girl like me. I'm walking the Radical Homemaking path, which of course values simplicity and waste reduction. But I also have a small closet, which is currently full of clothing I don't wear. So today, inspired by Caroline's initiative, I'm going to pare down my wardrobe. It will be easier to decide what to wear and I'll have more breathing space in my closet. The clothing that doesn't make it into this season's capsule will either be stored away for another season or donated. Wish me luck! I'll report back when I'm done.