My Dining Set Makeover

I'm so excited to share my latest article for Its a DIY story about my dining room chair makeover!

From the article:

When my husband and I bought our Dallas ranch house, we also became the owners of a dining set the previous owners had left behind. It wasn't our style, but it was sturdy and comfortable, and as my dad says, "Love the one you're with." After living with the hand-me-down dining set for three years, I was ready for a budget-friendly upgrade. Here's how I took my dining chairs from blah to bold one weekend.

Dining Set Makeover: Paint and Tea-Tinted Fabric Make Old Chairs New

Tools and materials needed:

  • Staple gun

  • 3/8-inch staples

  • Screwdriver or drill

  • Spray can of B-I-N Shellac-Base Primer (I used two cans for four chairs)

  • Spray paint in your chosen color. (I used two cans of glossy Apple Red from Rust-Oleum to refinish four chairs)

  • Spray can of polyurethane clear gloss topcoat

Seat cushion materials:

  • Box of tea to stain upholstery fabric (I used 10 bags of Earl Grey)

  • about 1/2 yard fabric of your choice per cushion, depending on seat size

  • Plastic bucket, sink or soaking tub

Again, from the article:

I love the look of script, so I chose this

typographic fabric

from Ikea. I covered five cushions using less than 3 yards of fabric. The fabric was too white for my dining room, so I altered the color with a simple tea stain.

Ta da! I love the bright red chairs against our dark dining rooms walls. All in all, the job was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I can't believe I waited so long to paint and reupholster them. If you've got some old chairs that need a lift, don't wait!  Find a bright color you love and go to town!



to read the full article 

and get all the details about my dining chair upgrade!