Blogging for Boobies

My friend, photographer and fellow blogger, Jackie Reitz is participating in the Susan G Komen 3-Day race for the Cure, and this year she is planning something huge. She is attempting to raise 6,000 dollars in one day with a little help from her blogging sisters. In an effort to make the 2010 Blog for Breast Cancer Research Event and tremendous success, we're asking for a 10 dollar donation from readers - that's you! I've already donated my 10 smackers. Please, won't you do the same? All donations go directly to the 3day site and are 100% tax deductible. Please click HERE to make your donation.

And in honor of this day of breast cancer awareness and because La Maison Boheme is still your one-stop-blog-spot for all things beautiful and inspiring, I give you the following. Cheers and thanks so much for your participation today!

Please visit
Betties for Boobies
for more information.

Sarah Greenman4 Comments