Eclectic Kitchen

Many of you will remember that I sold my home last fall. My family has since transitioned to a much smaller apartment, which is proving to be the perfect place for us. We've got around 1000 square feet - which is plenty for a family of four, a wheelchair and a dog.

I'm so grateful for the smaller space. My housework-load has diminished exponentially and the cost of upkeep for our 2,600 square foot ranch house has disappeared. The other benefit is that we have access to a pool, a private gym, and a lovely dog park, all of which I do not have to maintain. Heaven.

But this morning, I'm missing my kitchen stove a bit. It was a beautiful 5-gas burning stove and I loved cooking on it. My current kitchen, while bigger and certainly upgraded, does not have the charm of my previous kitchen. So today, I'm sharing photos of dreamy eclectic kitchens. These homey spaces remind me that I need to add a few more personal touches to my cookie cutter apartment kitchen.