“Transformation isn’t sweet and bright. It’s a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unraveling of the truths you’ve carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created demons. A complete uprooting before becoming.” — Victoria Erikson


Card: Transformation

Title of Painting: Flutter

Landscape: Spirit/Intuition

Interpretation: Something is coming to an end. And something new is beginning. But right now, you are in the gooey, messy middle - not quite butterfly, but certainly not caterpillar. Transformation does not happen quickly, but requires time, space, and most importantly, trust. Victoria Erickson reminds us that the transformation process is a kind of uprooting. This may make you feel displaced or “at sea”. Allow your creative flow to ground you during this tumultuous time and remember that the messy, ugly, confusing soup of change is the source of all life.

Deeper Resonance: This piece was created for a pediatric physical therapy studio. Children managing huge physical challenges due to brain injuries, Cerebral Palsy, stroke, bone disorders and the like, see this artwork every time they enter the studio. This piece honors the work and fortitude it takes to change, while also honoring the beauty and miraculous nature of transformation.