Catalytic Leadership, Reciprocity, and Rooting Into Our "Why"

In this episode I talk with facilitator, leadership mentor, and creative catalyst Anya Hankin. In this wide-ranging conversation we talk about creating purpose-driven work, showing up in our imperfect fullness, and what it means to truly practice reciprocity. Anya says, “Bearing witness is at the core of my work. We all deserve to be seen, to be heard, to be celebrated. So much of it is knowing that we get to be our flawed, real, human selves and be seen in that. My story touches something in your story. My experience touches something in your experience. I think that is the heart of witnessing. There is something so healing in recognizing that we’re not alone in it.”

Our conversation happened during Spring Equinox season of 2021.



Anya Hankin (she/they) is the founder of Anya Hankin Collaborative in Portland, OR. She is a facilitator, leadership coach, and creative catalyst. Her helps clients to actualize their unique and vital offerings with the trust and tools they need to show up, shine, and be of service.

Anya’s work is rooted in a core framework of justice, reciprocity, engagement and creativity — and she weaves these values into how she creates and facilitates her offerings. Anya has been leading and guiding groups for the last 20+ years and has designed and delivered original workshops, retreats, and courses for non-profit organizations, colleges and universities, high school students across the country, creative entrepreneurs, and diverse communities of changemakers.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Educational Pedagogy and a master’s degree in Conflict Resolution. She has completed 80 training hours in Mediation and received a certification through the PYE-Global Heart of Facilitation Leadership program.


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